inVerse - MS Case study Results

The question to be answered for personalised treatment discovery was formulated as follows: Is it possible to analyze clinical trials conducted for multiple sclerosis (MS) and find potential signals which could help to identify candidate personalised therapies?

inCognita MDD Results

We focus on major depressive disorder (MDD) as an important and illustrative disorder for which we present results here, but emphasize that the proposed analytic methodology is expected to have broader utility.

inCognita - Parkinson's Disease Results

Here we focus on Parkinson's Disease (PD) as an important and illustrative disorder for which we present results here, but emphasize that the proposed analytic methodology is expected to have broader utility.

inTrigue Case Study

By finding more patients and finding them earlier and with greater accuracy, inTrigue helps more patients to receive the appropriate treatment, to the benefit of all.