Results & Impact

The impact of Volv's predictive capabilities ensures that there is value across stakeholder groups:

- patients and their carers,
- clinicians and
- patient groups.

Explore this section and request more information on how we create significant impact and value for patients and healthcare systems.

Speeding up diagnosis: Reducing the diagnostic odyssey

The clear focus of our entire portfolio of offerings is to generate better treatment outcomes and to prevent the progression of disease.

Reducing the cost of care: Improvement in outcomes means lower cost of care

Volv's mission is to reduce the cost of healthcare. Each of our products has carefully targeted this as an outcome. Lower costs of healthcare are good for patients, good for healthcare providers and good for business.

Supporting clinical decision making: Clinicians rely ever more on support in diagnosis

With over 7,000 rare diseases, of which approximately 500 are treatable, it is impossible for an individual clinician to know how to diagnose every disease. Disease progression in chronic conditions can generate a plethora of potential treatments as symptoms evolve, and clinicians may find it difficult to choose the appropriate treatment at a given time.

Improving patient outcomes: finding clues earlier for quicker diagnosis or better treatment

Embedded in the design of all of our products is the objective to deliver earlier diagnosis than has been previously possible. Whether through building predictive models for difficult to diagnose conditions, or through focusing on phenotypic differentiators for personalised medicines, Volv delivers the ability to make earlier diagnostic and more appropriate interventions. With these insights, clinicians can reduce significantly the patient's time to diagnosis or slow their disease progression.

Patient flagging in the UK for Fabry and Pompe diseases

Volv, supported by Sanofi, working with data from Optimum Patient Care Research, and collaborating with a specialist Consultant Clinician, is conducting research to build algorithms in the UK which are aimed at finding ways to better identify people living with Fabry or Pompe disease. This novel and innovative methodology, inTrigue, is highlighting ways in which we can be much more precise in detecting people living with either disease much earlier. Are you a Fabry or Pompe specialist in the UK and want to know more, or collaborate? Please contact us.