
1. We are deploying our state of the art methodology, inTrigue, in the UK with Sanofi to help clinicians recognise people living with Fabry and Pompe disease much earlier.

Fabry and Pompe disease in the UK

We are world-class leaders in applying AI to healthcare with a focus on rare or difficult-to-diagnose diseases.

Our mission is to speed science, reduce the cost of healthcare, close the diagnostic gap and improve outcomes for people living with disease.

Our leading AI methodology inTrigue uses machine learning to detect people with undiagnosed rare and orphan diseases in population-scale data such as electronic health and claims records. Our product inClude is designed to help rare disease innovators establish better clinical development strategies much earlier, by enriching disease understanding with new insights, thereby delivering increased value to healthcare providers, payers, and people living with disease alike.

Creativity + Expertise + AI = Healthcare Innovation

Img Volv What Is In Trigue 20 New2

Find out more about inTrigue here:

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