The prediction task in the first set of experiments is to learn models which accurately determine whether a given individual has PD based upon brief smartphone recordings of the person’s voice. The ‘US cohort’ dataset [10] used in these experiments:
- is composed of 195 (de-identified) voice recordings for 31 individuals, 23 of whom have PD, with most recordings lasting for a few seconds; each voice recording is described by 22 features expected to be PD-relevant [10,25], including
- 16 standard ‘statistical’ attributes (e.g. mean/maximum/minimum fundamental frequency, variation of fundamental frequency and signal amplitude, signal-to-noise ratio) – see [25] for details;
- 6 information-theoretic/complexity measures (e.g. fractal dimension, pitch entropy, dynamical complexity) – see [25] for details;
- contains recordings of PD patients in the early stages of the disease – for example, 26% have little or no functional disability (stage ≤ 1.5 on the Hoehn/Yahr scale [10]) and 35% have been diagnosed for ≤ 2yr;
- includes a label for each patient, ‘PD’ or ‘healthy’, assigned by PD specialists based upon thorough clinical ex-amination (see [10] for details).
Predictive performance is measured with area under the ROC curve (AUC), estimated through leave-one-out cross-validation (together with statistical significance of performance differences [31]). Quantitative assessment of the ac-curacy of Algorithm I+FLL is facilitated through comparison with two state-of-the-art benchmark models as well as two simplified version of the algorithm. The five PD-detection strategies implemented in the experiment are:
- ‘I+FLL’: Algorithm I+FLL deployed with all 22 physiological features (see above and [25]), where preliminary predictions are made with an RF classifier trained on DL, prediction refinement is based upon two feature labels with initial estimates u0,increased_pitch_entropy = +1, u0,increased_signal/noise = −1, and β1 = β2 = β3 = 0.3;
- ‘I+FLL-statistical’: Algorithm I+FLL as above but using only 16 voice statistics as features (e.g. mean fundamental frequency, signal/noise ratio) [25];
- ‘I+FLL-information-theoretic’: Algorithm I+FLL as above but using only 6 information-theoretic and complexity quantities as features (e.g. pitch-entropy, fractal dimension of voice signal embedding) [25];
- ‘little’: state-of-the-art PD detection model built with an SVM classifier and extensive feature engineering [10];
- ‘psorakis’: relevance vector machine with sophisticated basis function and training sample selection [34].
Tests of standard learning methodologies (traditional SVMs, logistic regression) [20] for this task suggest these per-form poorly, likely because the training dataset is small.
Results of the ‘US cohort’ PD-detection experiment are shown in Figure 9. It is seen that a prediction model learned using Algorithm I+FLL (cyan bar) significantly outperforms all benchmark models (AUC = 0.985 with p < 0.01 for AUC differences). Notice that the sets of statistical and information-theoretic/complexity features are predictive on their own and complementary when combined.
We also compared the PD-detection accuracy of Algorithm I+FLL, which requires only passive smartphone data, to that of high-quality PD-screening questionnaires. PD-screening tools evaluated in this test include NMS-Quest [35] and Tele-Quest [36], and ground-truth PD labels reflect diagnoses made by PD specialists based upon thorough clinical examination. Because [35,36] report sensitivity and specificity [20], rather than AUC, those are also used here. The results of the study are:
- Algorithm I+FLL: sensitivity = 0.945, specificity = 0.960;
- NMS-Quest [35]: sensitivity = 0.718, specificity = 0.885;
- Tele-Quest [36]: sensitivity = 0.890, specificity = 0.880.
Thus Algorithm I+FLL, processing only smartphone data, achieves better screening accuracy than labor-intensive, clinically-validated PD questionnaires.