Precision medicine tailors the treatment for different groups and ultimately for individuals, often using genetic or molecular profiling.
The benefits of precision medicine in terms of superior healthcare outcomes are increasingly clear. There are, however, challenges to the equitable and widespread dissemination of the tools, technologies and solutions required for precision medicine, and unfortunately, more than half of the world’s population has no access to these.
We know from host genome work that some people are much more likely to suffer severe symptoms, even in the absence of underlying health conditions. Being able to find these people through, for example, a knowledge of simple phenotypic signals that clinicians can look for or through simple testing would enable them to be treated properly at the first signs of illness.
The analysis of many types of data from many different sources is required to understand the biology linking genes to observable traits, which is a necessary first step in creating a precision medicine.
Volv has partnerships with key data partners such as Clinerion and others, to provide the reach necessary to perform analysis work across disparate data sources in a secure and compliant way.